Friday, August 21, 2020

My strengths


These are my strengths.

  1.  Reading.

  2. Gaming.

  3. Technology.

  4. Love for animals.

  5. Creativity.

Making Ice Cream

 Today I made some Unicorn Ice Cream with my class and at the start we put four and a half cups of cream into two containers and then whisked it for a while. Then we got three bowls and put the whisked cream and poured some into each. Then we put a drop of different food colouring into each. then we took scopes and put them into two long containers and put them in the fridge and wait for them to turn into Ice Cream!

Fireman visit


Today some firemen came to the school and told us about some fire safety and the gear they use when they put out fires our go into houses on fire. Then they showed us the fire hose and we got to have a turn and try to blast a cone back. This is me having a turn with the fire hose but I couldn't hit the cone but it was still fun ether way.

Monday, August 17, 2020

My costume

This is me and Tane working on the costume for Wearable arts on Friday 34 of July that I was gonna wear. The costumes name is Little Chip Riding Hood. The costume is made entirely of chip packets and was ironed together.